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We are excited to announce the       opening of our new ABA clinic!

Striving to Help Children Live Life to the Fullest 

Contact us

Helping children with autism

We aim to help children with autism and varying special needs learn new skills and achieve independence to the greatest extent possible.  We are committed to each child that we work with and understand that you, the parent, trust us with the important task of creating meaningful and practical results for your child.  We know that, as children, this is the most crucial time to make a big impact, and we are so excited to be a part of this. 

Helping families of children with special needs

We encourage parents to take part in parent training with a BCBA.  We also offer parent support groups, connecting parents to share stories, experiences and emotional support.  You might feel lost or alone at times, and it is important for us to provide support for the families that we work with.

Maintain Integrity

Everything that we do, we do with integrity.  Sometimes this means, taking the hard way.  When working with children with special needs, this is a must.  We recognize the sensitivity and importance of what we do, without integrity we would be doing a disservice.

Our Mission 

Our mission at XYZ ABA is to provide the highest quality and compassionate ABA services for your child.  Helping your child be as independent, self-sufficient and happy as possible.

Welcome Home

We work to help children meet and exceed individual goals.  We aim to help them increase significant skills and behaviors, all while remaining true to who they really are.  We want each child’s personality to shine, for them to feel confident and comfortable in being themselves.   


We will help your child move in the right direction 

Everything you need to maximize your child's ABA treatment in one place.

Wireless Computer Accessories
Story Time

Our Story

Our story starts with our founder, a passion for helping children and dedication. From working as a lawyer to following her dream of profoundly helping children with special needs.



We know what is out there, and we want to do better.  We have been in the field of ABA for years and we understand what works and what doesn't. 

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It really is the combination of direct ABA services and parent training that yielded the best results for Sally.


Sally's maladaptive behaviors were hindering her social and communication skills. The combination of services allowed us to create a meaningful change, allowing Sally to work towards age appropriate skills.

Parent Testimonial

Play Video


Tips from our Clinical Team 

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Your child has autism…what now?

Learn about the process from diagnosis to receiving services.

boy drawing sales report on the

What to expect along the way...

What to expect in you and your child's journey through the ABA process.

Laying on a Chair

ABA For Children Without Autism

ABA provides proven interventions to help children with special needs.

It's easy to get started

You want to do what is best for your child.  We are here to help you do just that.

In network 

XYZ ABA is an in network provider for most insurance companies.  ABA therapy is considered a medical necessity and, therefore, is a covered service under many plans.  We will work with you and walk you through the insurance process.

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