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Lois Friedman

Lead Behavior Technician

Lois has always had a passion for helping children. She earned her undergraduate degree at Fairleigh Dickinson University, and her Masters Degree in Education from Stonybrook University  She worked in public schools in Queens, NY and Long Island. Lois was  the lead teacher for the 3’s class and Pre-K class in preschools in Long Island.  She loves watching children grow and learn.  She understands the importance of working with each child as an individual, involving individualized teaching methods and reinforcers.  She believes there is nothing better than seeing the pride on a child’s face when they accomplish something challenging.

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Lois loves to travel and try new things.  She has recently taken up pickle ball and loves it.


Tips from our clinical Team 

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Your child has autism…what now?

Learn about the process from diagnosis to receiving services.

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What to expect along the way...

What to expect in you and your child's journey through the ABA process.

A Boy and His Tablet Device

ABA For Children Without Autism

ABA provides proven interventions to help children with special needs.

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