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ABA and Autism


You might feel lost or confused following your child's autism diagnosis, trying to understand what exactly autism is and what this means for your child.  Perhaps you have not yet received a diagnosis, but think your child displays symptoms of autism.  Autism looks different in most people, the autism spectrum is vast. The core symptoms of autism include deficits in communication, social skills and behavior.  

Mother and Son

A child diagnosed with autism might possess age appropriate skills for daily living and communication, however, this child might display deficits in interacting appropriately with peers.  Another child diagnosed with autism might be non-verbal and working on repeating sounds.

Possible Signs of Autism 

  • Avoiding eye contact 

  • Delayed language development

  • Unusual and intense reactions to sounds, smells, tastes, textures, lights and/or colors

  • Inappropriate Social Interactions

Evaluate Your Child 

The earlier your child receives appropriate treatment, the better the outcome.

Contact Us Today !


Child at Psychologist
happy mother playing blocks with little

What is ABA

Applied Behavior Analysis, simply put, is the science of behavior.  ABA applies scientifically proven methodologies to help increase socially significant behaviors.  The science focuses on reinforcing these behaviors, to help them increase over time. ABA is the leading treatment for people diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder.

Our Services

Everything you need to maximize your child's ABA treatment in one place.


It's easy to get started

You want to do what is best for your child.  We are here to help you do just that.


Tips from our clinical Team 

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Your child has autism…what now?

Learn about the process from diagnosis to receiving services.

boy drawing sales report on the

What to expect along the way...

What to expect in you and your child's journey through the ABA process.

School Kids

ABA For Children Without Autism

ABA provides proven interventions to help children with special needs.

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