Kevin's maladaptive behaviors hindered his relationships
Kevin was 6 years old when he was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. He is high functioning and already exhibited a plethora of age appropriate skills prior to receiving ABA services. His parents reached out due to concerns with his behavior at home. Kevin exhibited physically aggressive behaviors towards his parents, tantrums lasting for close to an hour and defiance. Kevin would only engage with one preferred item when he was home, he refused to give it up when directed to do so. His treatment plan included a Behavior Intervention Plan to decrease these behaviors and replace them with appropriate behaviors. He received 10 hours of ABA direct therapy weekly and his family received 2 hours of parent training weekly.
Kevin’s plan included time spent with different leisure activities, to help increase his interest in these activities as well as provide him with options of activities to engage in when not permitted with the most preferred item. The most preferred item became something he needed to earn, and a time limit was put on it. This was a big change for Kevin, and we worked to identify other reinforces. We did so, and he earned these throughout his sessions, saving the big ticket item for the end of session. During parent training, we worked on time limits, consistency and reinforcement. Currently, Kevin knows that he needs to earn his reinforcers and that each have time limits. He engages in many activities while home, including inside and outside and life at home is much more manageable. His relationship with his sister has true blossomed into a friendship. Prior to services starting, they could not play together for extended periods of time. Now, they are as thick as thieves.
Area of focus
Kevin's behaviors within the home affected the entire family unit. They occurred often and lasted for significant periods of time.
The Goal
The initial goals included decreasing these maladaptive behaviors and increasing the activities he engages in independently within the home.
The Tools
During our sessions with Kevin, we focused on engaging with various activities. We worked with his parents regularly to focus on strategies and techniques to use, and offer with what works and what doesn't. Parent training was a huge part of his success.
Kevin initiates engagement in a variety of activities within the home. This includes coloring, puzzles, playing with his sister and reading. His maladaptive behaviors have decreased over time, and he is able to play with his sister for prolonged periods of time.