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Frequently Asked Questions 

Please contact us for any questions. We compiled a list of the most frequently asked questions; if your question is not listed, please reach out and let us know.

  • What is ABA?
    Applied Behavior Analysis, simply put, is the science of behavior. ABA applies scientifically proven methodologies to help people increase socially significant behaviors. The science focuses on reinforcing these behaviors, to help them increase over time. ABA can be applied to people diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, to those with varying special needs and those without. In other words, it can be used with anyone. ABA is often used to increase skills across various domains, as well as increase appropriate replacement behaviors to maladaptive, or troubling, behaviors. The science reaches people by assessing their needs, deficits, preferences and functions (or reasons) of behavior. No two people are the same, and these assessments allow for individualized and custom treatment. Learn More
  • Is ABA therapy appropriate for my child?
    ABA focuses on increasing socially significant behaviors. This includes skills and appropriate replacement behaviors to maladaptive behaviors. ABA can and is used to help people with all different skill levels, with varying diagnoses, without a diagnosis and of all ages. ABA focuses on an array of areas, including daily living skills, verbal behavior, social, play, communication and behavior. To better determine if ABA therapy is appropriate for your child, please contact us.
  • How long is ABA therapy?
    ABA therapy is individualized for each child. The length of time that a child will receive treatment varies greatly. A child is ready for discharge from therapy once that child has developed age appropriate skills, generalized these skills to various settings, people and times, and decreases any maladaptive behaviors to an appropriate level. A Board Certified Behavior Analyst will work closely with parents/caregivers, prior to discharge, to ensure generalization.
  • How many hours per week is ABA therapy?
    The amount of hours of ABA therapy that your child will receive will be determined during the assessment process. This is based on current skill level and any maladaptive behaviors.
  • Where does ABA therapy take place?
    ABA therapy takes place in many settings, including at home, in the community and at school. Your child’s needs will be assessed and the correct setting(s) will be determined based on this assessment.
  • I am interested in ABA therapy for my child, what now?"
    If you are interested in enrolling your child in ABA therapy at XYZ ABA, or interested in learning more, please contact us. You can click “enroll now,” email us at, or call us at 908-337-1107
  • Services for those not on the spectrum
    While ABA is the leading treatment for people diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, the benefits extend beyond that. Providers utilize ABA to work with children with anxiety, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, behavior disorders and those without any diagnosis. The principles of ABA, reinforce and increase appropriate behaviors, are beneficial for many. Learn More
  • At what age is ABA most effective?
    We work with people of all ages, for best results its recommanded to start as early as possible. Most children are between 2 and 6 years old when they begin ABA treatment.
  • What is a BCBA?
    BCBA stands for Board Certified Behavior Analysis. A BCBA holds a masters degree in education, psychology or another related field. Specific graduate coursework is required for a certification as well as 1500 hours of supervised fieldwork and an exam. This is your main contact throughout ABA treatment. Your BCBA will assess your child, supervise treatment, conduct parent training, analyze progress, make any changes needed and be available for any questions or concerns you may have.
  • Who works with my child?
    Your care team will be comprised of a BCBA and a Behavior Technician. We will ask you what you may be looking for, your concerns and match you care team with this in mind. Our clinical director and founder will also be involved with your child’s services and treatment.
  • Will you work with my child’s other providers?
    Yes. We encourage collaboration. This allows for a comprehensive plan and makes sure that everyone is on the same page.
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Not Sure How to Choose the Right Provider ?

Learn what's really important when choosing the right provider 

  • What is ABA?
    Applied Behavior Analysis, simply put, is the science of behavior. ABA applies scientifically proven methodologies to help people increase socially significant behaviors. The science focuses on reinforcing these behaviors, to help them increase over time. ABA can be applied to people diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, to those with varying special needs and those without. In other words, it can be used with anyone. ABA is often used to increase skills across various domains, as well as increase appropriate replacement behaviors to maladaptive, or troubling, behaviors. The science reaches people by assessing their needs, deficits, preferences and functions (or reasons) of behavior. No two people are the same, and these assessments allow for individualized and custom treatment. Learn More
  • Is ABA therapy appropriate for my child?
    ABA focuses on increasing socially significant behaviors. This includes skills and appropriate replacement behaviors to maladaptive behaviors. ABA can and is used to help people with all different skill levels, with varying diagnoses, without a diagnosis and of all ages. ABA focuses on an array of areas, including daily living skills, verbal behavior, social, play, communication and behavior. To better determine if ABA therapy is appropriate for your child, please contact us.
  • How long is ABA therapy?
    ABA therapy is individualized for each child. The length of time that a child will receive treatment varies greatly. A child is ready for discharge from therapy once that child has developed age appropriate skills, generalized these skills to various settings, people and times, and decreases any maladaptive behaviors to an appropriate level. A Board Certified Behavior Analyst will work closely with parents/caregivers, prior to discharge, to ensure generalization.
  • How many hours per week is ABA therapy?
    The amount of hours of ABA therapy that your child will receive will be determined during the assessment process. This is based on current skill level and any maladaptive behaviors.
  • Where does ABA therapy take place?
    ABA therapy takes place in many settings, including at home, in the community and at school. Your child’s needs will be assessed and the correct setting(s) will be determined based on this assessment.
  • I am interested in ABA therapy for my child, what now?"
    If you are interested in enrolling your child in ABA therapy at XYZ ABA, or interested in learning more, please contact us. You can click “enroll now,” email us at, or call us at 908-337-1107
  • Services for those not on the spectrum
    While ABA is the leading treatment for people diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, the benefits extend beyond that. Providers utilize ABA to work with children with anxiety, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, behavior disorders and those without any diagnosis. The principles of ABA, reinforce and increase appropriate behaviors, are beneficial for many. Learn More
  • At what age is ABA most effective?
    We work with people of all ages, for best results its recommanded to start as early as possible. Most children are between 2 and 6 years old when they begin ABA treatment.
  • What is a BCBA?
    BCBA stands for Board Certified Behavior Analysis. A BCBA holds a masters degree in education, psychology or another related field. Specific graduate coursework is required for a certification as well as 1500 hours of supervised fieldwork and an exam. This is your main contact throughout ABA treatment. Your BCBA will assess your child, supervise treatment, conduct parent training, analyze progress, make any changes needed and be available for any questions or concerns you may have.
  • Who works with my child?
    Your care team will be comprised of a BCBA and a Behavior Technician. We will ask you what you may be looking for, your concerns and match you care team with this in mind. Our clinical director and founder will also be involved with your child’s services and treatment.
  • Will you work with my child’s other providers?
    Yes. We encourage collaboration. This allows for a comprehensive plan and makes sure that everyone is on the same page.
Image by Corinne Kutz

Everything you need to maximize your child's ABA treatment in one place.

ABA treatment provides interventions based on research and scientifically proven methods to help increase socially significant behaviors.  We, at XYZ ABA, apply this therapy to help children with special needs and their families.  We are comprised of a team of dedicated and compassionate professionals, working with one goal…to help children.  Our founder started this company with the intent of ensuring that each child and family is given the attention and care that they deserve. 


Learn about our process , from the moment you contact us to receiving services in your home and/or community.


It's easy to get started

You want to do what is best for your child.  We are here to help you do just that.


Tips from our Clinical Team 

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